Kosher Lunch at the Noshery!

THURSDAYS AT NOONSabes Center Minneapolis

Join us for a hot and nutritious kosher lunch in our refreshed space, affectionately called The Noshery!  Our in-person dining is an opportunity for adults of all ages to come together at the JCC each week. Bring your daughter, come with your father, or gather as friends! Our Kosher Lunch program gives us the opportunity to do what we do best: create community at the Minnesota JCC. Reservations must be made one week in advance.

February Menu

AGE 60 AND OVER: Please consider a suggested voluntary donation of $5/meal
UNDER AGE 60: Meals are $10/meal


Lunch Registration

To Place Your Order, please email Irit at


(V-Vegetarian, D-Dairy, M-Meat, P-Parve)
Due to supply issues, items listed on the menu are subject to change without notice.
*All meals are Kosher.
This service is funded in part through a contract with Trellis, Inc. as part of the Older Americans Act and participant contributions.


FOR QUESTIONS, please contact Irit at or 952.381.3527.

This program is funded through a contract with Trellis, (as part of the Older Americans Act), and participant contributions.